
Offer your visitors a virtual, visual and vocal historical guide to help them discover your local heritage.

Talk3 brings historical characters to life by making them speak for your city or region.

Nothing could be simpler, offer your visitors a new experience: the synopses of your heritage become animated videos starting from a text and a simple photo. Talk3's AI does the rest.
Just place the generated QRcode on the platform next to the existing media and you're ready to go.

Discover your heritage

How does it work?

Implement QR codes in tourist places and make them discover the history of monuments, works of art, paintings.

Make the public interact directly on their smartphone. Each place becomes a playful, informative and interactive space. No more need for equipment to manage and maintain!

Scan the QR code to discover the Big Clock of La Rochelle!

In what form?

Interactive chatbot format

Conversational voice interface (chatbot type) to make tourism interactive.

Video format

Presentation of the different works, paintings, statues, portraits and much more thanks to a virtual agent in the form of an avatar.

Help to choose for an unforgettable vacation

On-site virtualized agent

Thanks to our videobot developed on our Talk-in platform, create an immersive and interactive experience to guide your users in their choice.

The virtual agent transforms the digital experience into a playful and service-oriented moment on your media by bringing a human presence to it.

Case studies

Book your holidays

Thanks to a virtualized human agent, booking a vacation becomes quick and easy for everyone!

Now it's your turn to try!

Choose your thermal cure

Let our virtual human agent guide you in choosing your next spa treatment.

Now it's your turn to try!


Nothing could be easier, let's organize a demo meeting. We'll show you around.

Book a demo